Celebrate the Positive

Today Marks Positive Thinking Day

The tradition began in 2003, as a day to remember the positive things in our lives and remember to be kind to ourselves and others by spreading happiness.

We should find ways to celebrate positive thinking every day, not just once a year. Positivity can become our attitude each morning when we wake by being optimistic as we look forward to our day. We can look past the negativity in our lives and seek to find joy and happiness.

During these uncertain times, it has never been more important to look at ways to be positive. We are all faced with negativity, but we can choose to find the good in the bad.

There is a lot to be thankful for, don’t miss it.

If you are not sure how to celebrate Positive Thinking Day, here are a few suggestions.

  • Begin each day by saying, “Today is going to be a good day!” This will set the tone for the day ahead of you.
  • Start the day with daily affirmations. These are positive sentences about you or your circumstances that can give you boldness, confidence, and self-esteem.
  • Start each day with a grateful heart.
  • Reflect on the power of positive thinking.
  • Read and share inspiring quotes.
  • Smile to everyone you meet.
  • Leave all negative thoughts behind and find the good in the bad.
  • Write down things you are grateful for in your life.
  • Surround yourself with optimistic people.
  • Read or watch positive, motivational books and movies.
  • Spread love and kindness.