How to Guard Yourself Against Car Theft

Walking out to your car to find a busted window or your belongings strewn about the vehicle is not a great way to start the day. Even worse is discovering your vehicle isn’t in your parked spot at all.

Unfortunately, tales of car thefts have become more common in the past few years. While car thefts are still down from their high of 1.7 million a year in 1991, they have been on the rise in recent years. From 2019 to 2022, the vehicle theft rate in Washington increased by 31%, according to KIRO 7. Washington state ranks third in the nation when it comes to car thefts, coming in behind California and Texas. Recent social media trends on TikTok have also been encouraging young people to exploit design flaws in Kias and Hyundais and steal those vehicles.

Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to lessen the appeal of stealing or breaking into your car.

Do not keep objects in the car — Whether it’s an old sweatshirt or your laptop, items in your car indicate that valuables might be inside. Better to have a vehicle that displays no objects inside, which could encourage someone wanting to steal to move on.

Keep car doors locked and keys out of sight — This may seem obvious, but keeping keys out of sight and doors locked are a simple deterrent to someone who may be passing through a parking lot and trying car door handles to see which ones might be unlocked for easy access. The New York Times reported in 2021 that a rise in car thefts was in part due to many people simply leaving their car fobs in their cupholders. People would steal these vehicles as pure transportation, using them like Ubers to get from one place to another before abandoning them.

Don’t leave vehicles running unattended — Many people like to start their vehicles in the winter months and head back inside while the car warms up. However, this is the easiest way to steal a car, especially as the sight of exhaust rising from a parking lock is a beacon indicating that a car may be unlocked with the keys inside.

Use anti-theft devices — Steering wheel locks, kill switches, alarms, and pedal locks can all be deterrents to prevent thieves from making off with your vehicle. While they’re not completely foolproof (for example, a steering wheel lock could be sawed off), they do make it more challenging, laborious, and time consuming for people looking to steal your car, and might spare your vehicle from someone looking for a quick theft.

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