Reduce Wildfire Risk

Wildfires in the U.S. annually consume millions of acres, wreaking havoc on farms, ranches, and livestock. These fires, driven by extreme weather conditions like high temperatures and drought, have extended their duration, intensifying destruction. In preparation for the approaching wildfire season, agribusinesses can safeguard their assets by taking precautionary measures. Clearing vegetation and establishing open space around structures can shield buildings, crops, and livestock from potential fires.

Here are a few suggestions on proactive steps to reduce wildfire risk:

  • Create Defensible Space: Implement a three-zone approach around buildings. Zone 1, within 5 feet, should be free of combustibles. Zone 2 (5-30 feet) requires removal of dead plants and trees, while Zone 3 (30-100 feet) demands grass maintenance and controlled tree density.
  • Harden Structures: Construct or renovate using noncombustible materials, safeguard windows with fire-resistant shutters, and ensure vents are covered.
  • Checklist and Continuity Plan: Develop checklists to inspect closures, establish a business continuity plan, and practice evacuation protocols.
  • Cautious Approach to Protection Systems: Be cautious of installing wildfire suppression systems like foam or gel, focusing instead on creating defensible space and building hardening.

During a fire watch:

  • Clear roof debris to prevent ignition.
  • Seal windows, doors, and vents.
  • Implement emergency shutdown practices.

After the fire:

  • Delegate hazardous tasks to trained professionals.
  • Use proper personal protective equipment.
  • Initiate business contingency plans for crop storage, livestock care, and operation continuity.
  • Explore salvage opportunities for damaged assets.

Understanding insurance coverage and additional expense limits is crucial for post-fire recovery, encompassing expenses such as equipment rental, temporary labor, and preemptive mitigation actions.